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Foundation for education

For many children, Kindergarten is the foundation of their education. It is a time for both play and learning, two facets in which there is a great deal of overlap. Kindergarten is a big step for children, and a huge decision for many parents. Consider that the quality of education you choose for your children at this stage in their development has great relevance in the long run.

Our Kindergarten focuses on developing your children’s skills so that they approach school with confidence, excitement and eagerness. Our Kindergarten also seeks to inspire a love for Christ and to live our lives as Christians in our world!

Grades 1 - 7


Building upon the excellent foundation that has begun in Kindergarten our grades 1 - 7 program develops our students to grow and mature. Both in their understanding of academics as well as in their growth of understanding the call of Christ.

As students grow and mature their knowledge and understand of academic subjects becomes increasingly important. We have a calling as a Christian School to provide a solid academic base for each student so that they will be able to experience success in life. School must always be a fun, safe place for each student but it also must be a place where students learn discipline, maturity, and accountability. 

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